Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sun-Kissed Bliss

"Your thoughts, words, and deeds are painting the world around you." -Jevel Diamond Taylor

I believe this statement to be so true. I think there are so many ways that we can affect each other's happiness, as well as having a profound impact on our own. Whether that be through the giving of our service and time to others, or simply spending quality time with our family and friends. We don't have the ability to control everything that takes place in our lives, seeing as the Lord has His own plans for us; however, we most certainly have the capability to do our best to enjoy the ride.

Life has been a whirlwind for me the past couple of months. Since my last post I have attained a new job in Wichita that is a wonderful opportunity for me to grow professionally and is also closely related to my degree. In my opinion, design is design and every experience that builds on that set of skills is a good one. I started part-time in March, which means I stayed part-time at Attitudes Dancewear as well. Needless to say, I was working 55+ hours a week which kept me crazy busy all throughout spring. Last week, I began full-time at the design company so the waters have finally started to calm down. I am enjoying getting into the full swing of things and getting to know my fellow employees much better now that I am here all day long. I'm doing my best not to get overwhelmed and just take each day nice and slow and soak in as much as I can!

So there is the work portion of my here is my "extracurricular" update! My friends rock. I really can't think of anything better to say than that! My pool of friends is getting rather large and I love it. There is always so many wonderful things going on and conversations to be had. Last week my schedule looked a little like this-monday night: b-day party, tuesday night: Theology on Tap downtown, wednesday-I took this night off, Thursday night: concert with a few of the greatest people I know! Friday-partybus, Saturday-party at a friends house, sunday-father's day with the family and then back to Monday! This isn't my typical week, but thats just to give you a brief idea of how many wonderful experiences I have been having lately!

Other new updates: Magdalen's youth group is going great...we are getting ready to go on our big mission trip to Austin, TX in July and I couldn't be more excited for that adventure! Becca (my little sister) has moved home for the summer. Bathroom=cramped, haha ok she really isn't in the way and its really wonderful to have her back for a little bit. This is probably the last time we will be under the same roof, so its good for us to be around each other as much as possible. Gigi and Ryan have a new puppy named Hope, who has expensive taste in shoes, I know this because she had a little snack with one of my Sperry's. The roomies (aka mom and dad) are doing wonderful and as always looking for new ventures to add to their already insane schedules. But, that is how the Gans family does it!

I promise to be better with the updates!

Peace & Blessings,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Ok friends its already February of 2011...where has the time gone!?! Let me just start this post by saying I have the most incredible friends in the world. They have the most amazing impact on my life...who I am, who I want to be etc. Many of these are friends that I have known for 8-10 years, but many of these are friends that I have only known for 2-6 months. It amazes me that I have been able to meet so many wonderful people in such a short amount of time. I have my amazing "Sisterhood" friends who keep me going everyday. We meet once a week and discuss faith and all of life's challenges and I cannot tell you how great of a blessing this is to me! Then I have new friends that I am constantly getting to know better and meet even more of them...its just really wonderful to know people that have the similar moral and religious beliefs like me. :)

I am still in pursuit of the career that will help me get off my feet (and out of my parents house) I have had a few really good interviews in the last couple months so that is keeping me optimistic, but I really hope things pick up soon. My job at Attitudes is still a lot of fun...I work with really great women and they are very supportive of my search for a design career. I thought long and hard about making a big move to find a job in the field, but the longer I stay in Wichita the more attached I get.

I am now volunteering with my church's high school youth group and that is going very well. I am starting to get to know the kids better and the other leaders are I'm loving every second of it so far!

What else is new..I am now an aunt! haha ok not really but my sister Gigi and her husband just got a new puppy and her name is Hope (kinda the theme in my life right now) She is so precious.

My little sister, Rebecca, is dancing her days away at OKCU and I couldn't be more proud of her! Things are very busy in the Gans household...Mom is choreographing for the Wichita Grand Opera, teaching her classes, getting ready for dance competitions, and doing lots of various activities. My dad is still playing with his band and working hard. Fred and Ginger are doing fabulous as always...we are trying to talk my mom into getting another dachsund :) 

It looks like I might be getting my snow day after all today! I wish all of you a very warm and happy February!

Much love,